Via Europa, 4/6a, 20020 Magnago (MI) – ITALY
+39 0331 329192

OPCS: a new boost to industrial automation

OPCS is the name of the new platform by C.E.B.A. for production control.
A technological reply to Industry 4.0 requirements, OPCS is an analysis tool which is now a must for the optimized management of the production process.

OPCS: through data, towards productivity
Productivity, elimination of human error, simplification of processes. These are the immediate benefits of OPCS, customized and flexible software that adapts to the size, type and needs of every company.

OPCS collects production data, recording it continuously or at intervals, and manages it in real time, storing the measured values in a local memory.

A solution adaptable to any machine
OPCS permette un’implementazione migliorativa del sistema gestionale, ed è installabile su qualunque computer dotato di Microsoft Office e connesso alla rete aziendale.

OPCS allows an improved implementation of the management system and can be installed on any computer with Microsoft Office, connected to the company network.

An interconnected company is a productive company
How does OPCS manage to increase company productivity? By streamlining processes and providing operators with more data, and an easier way to read it, so that they can make predictive diagnoses and always act in a targeted manner and with perfect timing.

Remote dialog
The physical presence of the operator is no longer essential at all times. Many interventions on the machines, both in daily operation and in case of ordinary and/or extraordinary maintenance, can also be carried out from different locations, thanks to a connection tool such as OPCS.

From our offices,  therefore remotely, we can "view" the status of the process in real time and intervene, or recommend any corrective actions, if necessary.

Increased safety
Process supervision, also when carried out remotely, ensures an increased level of plant safety, thanks to a continuous and centralized interpretation of data, which now becomes more understandable and better interpretable in its correlations with any other data.

The advantages of IT interconnection
By complying with Industry 4.0 dictates, "interconnection" has grown within companies, or rather, there has been an evolution of digital technologies towards greater cooperation between plants, people and information, both within the company and along the value chain.

Any weaknesses in the digitalization of the production system can be resolved gradually, thanks to a partial and gradual integration of the new automation systems, and to the benefit of the environment, since process digitalization also involves, among many other advantages, the almost total elimination of paper in data management

The use of OPCS is an example of this.
Now all that's left to do is try.
